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(919) 942-1386
You may find the following articles useful.

The Payoff of Using an Inquiry Generator to Increase Attendance of Seminars/Conferences: A Case Study
Seminar/conference marketers can use an inquiry generation campaign to build their promotional database. Typically, a mailing is sent to a list of rented names and the resulting inquiries are captured into the promotional database for future solicitations. This analysis illustrates the pay-off for one inquiry generation campaign and provides a general model for evaluating the cost/benefits. By Dr. Ralph Elliott

How to Use Database Management to More Effectively Meet Continuing Education Needs
Guidelines for developing and maintaining a customer database for continuing education operations. By Dr. Ralph Elliott

15 Tips For Writing Internet Direct Mail That Works
There is a lot of unwanted email out there, so the attention span of people reading through their inbox is very short. Successful email campaigns are clearly marked as from a company recognized by the reader, get to the point very quickly, and focus on information rather than the hard sell. By Robert Bly